My little sister introduced me to Firefly. The sweet tea is very dangerous for this southern girl.
I hate having to apologize. Not the act of saying "I'm sorry," but the need to do so. The position of being wrong. In my case it's usually because of quick temper or hurt feeling. I react and IMMEDIATELY recognize it was wrong and regret kicks in. Then there is the waiting period, hoping to be forgiven.
I'm looking for new blogs to read. I'm hoping you guys might have a recommendation or three. My only requirement is that the blogger post fairly regularly. I tend to lose interest if I have to wait weeks for a new post. Demanding...I know.
I'm freelancing again and super stressed out.
Do you read Nathalie's blog? http://scrambledbacon.blogspot.com/
Also, there is another young blogger in Charlotte who I find adorable.
And I've got about 50 more, but won't clog your comments section with them. =)
I absolutely love Design Sponge, www.designspongeonline.com. If you're into interior design, it's such a fun site. The site is updated many times throughout the day, so it's fun to check in and see what's new. Also, I don't read this blog regularly, but when I do, it's always a fun read: www.holaisabel.com.
I love that you go to the gym to do your hair...that's SO something I would do.
Hola Christy. Sorry to hear you're stressed out. Would love to learn more about your freelance work. Maybe we can get together sometime soon...when you're not heading to the gym to do your hair :-) So funny!
I wish the "Y" had cots, too!
;) Allie
Next time I come to visit Charlotte, you might have to introduce me to Firefly!
I hate being wrong, too. Something about my perfectionist nature just can't stand not getting it right the first time around.
Miss you. Love you.
I love the pic with the leaves and little shoes! I just wish I could go to a Y (ours is 35 mins. from my house).
Love, love, love the first picture. Great. And, I think your gym ideas are great too...cots...what a great idea!
One of my favorite blogs is Soule Mama. There's a link on my page. She's earthy, simple, fresh, and a good photographer.
two of my favorite blogs are:
www.birdonthelawn.blogspot.com she's a great photographer and a soulful indie type thinker
witty, sarcastic and fun
I happen to think we should read each other.
MY BLOG! sometimes I post two a day. Nothing too meaty, just a lot of silly, and WOOL!
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