I finally decided to give in and see what every 13-year-old girl in the country is buzzing about. I went to Target last night after the girls went to bed and bought a copy of Twilight. And I'm already finished with it. Since it was so gently used, I would like to pass it along. Anyone out there in the mood for a teen vampire romance? If more than one person is interested, I'll have a little drawing Monday night. And by then I should be finished with the next book in the series.
I've read the series and it's delightfully addicting!
I hope that your copy finds an eager reader! : )
I'm up for a little Vampire book. Put me on the top of your eager reader list!
P.S. Glad you are getting some quality family time in. Being poor can definitely have pluses. Miss you.
I need a book to read...put my name in! Family time is the most precious gift you can give your girls...no amount of money can compare.
I just finished reading a little preteen fiction as well (a book called Stargirl). Last year I read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series so I'm up for a new series of adolescent reading. Paul says he wants in on the drawing too. I honestly can't tell if he's serious or not.
My sis in law, Erin has been reading those and so has my friend Jenn- I think it's time I try them out! I'll borrow from one of them but thanks for offering yours up!
I love the pictures of all the cute toes! That's crummy about the job loss. Glad you are all making the most of it though. We went through a similar situation in 2007.
i'm glad that you're seeing the silver lining in his layoff. family time is happy time, no?
it's not the 13 yo's that are obsessed it's the 30 yo's! ;-D and if you finished it in one night i'm assuming that you're on the wagon then?
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