When Alex and I were dating, we broke up A LOT. But there was one breakup that seemed more final than the rest. (I know this doesn't seem happy, but hang in there; it's going somewhere.) We had been living in New York. Then the breakup. He moved to Chicago. I moved back home with my parents. And I was depressed. Seriously depressed. I really wasn't sure it was a fog I could escape. I didn't think I could get over losing him and I had no desire to keep living without him. It sounds all cheesy and dramatic now, but at the time it was devastating.
But now we are together. And we have two beautiful children. And we are a happy little family.
So often I think about the girl who used to spend hours sitting in shower crying, wondering how her life would turn out. I wish I could send a whisper back in time to her. I wish I could let her know that everything works out. Better than she could ever imagine.

Absolutely beautiful...your words and life make me happy every time I read your blog...and don't ever feel guilty for sharing photos of your girls...their little faces are delightful!
These gorgeous little faces make me happy too so I say thank you for posting them! And what a lovely happy-ending-continuing story - the very best kind.
Happy happy week to you!
i love it! I'm definitely feeling happy.
These pics of the girls w/ their hair in rollers are sooooo cute! It's pretty awesome when life turns out better than what you could have ever imagined!
I love pink spongy curlers! your girls are so precious.
They are beautiful little girls and you are definitely allowed to spend the entire happy week posting about them! How can one not feel happy after seeing their cute little faces?
your girls are too adorable and the pink spongy roller are awesome! brings back many good memories...i would say- start the week with what makes you the happiest....
Happy Happy Week! Thanks for bringing it to us!
So cute! I love pink sponge rollers. I remember spending a lot of time in them when I was a little girl.
i love those photos and the story
i am without a partner still
and i wish i could tell my younger self to stop pining and waiting around thinking life will be better when the other half arrives
cuz it has taken years
and so much of that waiting
wasted energy when i was just a=okay f i n e
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