Today I am especially grateful for my two happy, healthy daughters. I am grateful for a husband who loves me. I am grateful he makes it possible for me to stay home with our girls. I am grateful to be home with the girls for another summer. (Of course I am grateful for many more things, but these are the things that were getting me today.) What are you grateful for?
(by the way...Canon took this picture.)
I think Canon is a lot like her mom, with those awesome photography skills. You both have a way of capturing a great photo.
I'm grateful for my beautiful and healthy little girl. I'm grateful for amazingly supportive and loving husband. I'm grateful for wonderful parents and in-laws. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share a warm cup of coffee and peanut butter pie with my best friend, even if it was only for a couple of hours.
I'm an incredibly thankful girl, so the list could go on and on. My job, my husband's job, a roof over my head, etc. Thank you for reminding me to take the time to realize just how blessed I am.
P.S. Canon - you are awesome!
That's a great shot Canon caught. Are you teaching her things on the side?! =)
I'm grateful I get to shower a friend like you with a much-deserved night out with her husband.
Wow...Canon is quite the photographer! I am grateful for the ability to feel happy. For being able to love my family, enjoy the cuteness of my babies, and know that no matter what daily bumps I may encounter, I will be ok.
Very True! We all take many things for granted.
This is an incredible picture! I am most impressed, Canon!
Mae Mae
canon rocks! and today I am very grateful for the farmers market.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately- being grateful! It seems like this year of "30" has brought about a whole new mindset for me. I constantly think about all that I've been blessed with and all that I am thankful for which is pretty much everything! It's amazing what a grateful heart can do to bring peace, joy and contentment to your life (even the every day kind of moments).
I am grateful for so many things. A husband who loves me fiercely and whom I love fiercely in return. Both of us being gainfully employed in a time of uncertainty. The health and happiness of our living parents. The beautiful town and house we live in. I could go on, but you get the idea. :)
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