Am I the only one who isn't ready? I'm slamming the door shut, closing the curtains trying to ignore spring as it waits patiently at my doorstep. I want to ever so casually push this little orange flower back into the earth with a pleading whisper to wait just a few more weeks. Because really I could use a few more weeks of cuddling under blankets, sipping hot chocolate, bundling up in my favorite scarf and playing in the snow. Lately I've found myself going out of my way to avoid the bathing suit section at Target. Because I'm just not ready. What about you? Ready for spring or still enjoying winter?
Please lord, let spring come to Chicago to stay! Please?
Gosh, I wish I had your love of winter and hot chocolate!! I am SO ready for the snow to be gone...I haven't seen bare ground or an unfrozen puddle in two months!
I want a snow day! then spring.
I am so ready for spring. I'm already out in my garden getting it ready every chance I get. Yesterday I had two hours of sunshine and I grabbed every moment. I get so excited when I see the bulbs pushing up. Paul planted them with me two Christmas' ago. Seeing them come is like anticipating seeing his smiling face.
Love, Susan
Didn't the groundhog see its shadow? 6 more weeks of winter! You're good for a bit.
If I didn't have to shovel my driveway each time it snowed, I'd be willing to keep winter around a bit longer. I don't think spring is coming anywhere close to northern NJ, though, so no need to even worry about it for me.
We here in Chicago have seen PLENTY of winter already. So, I'm one who is definitely ready to see spring. Unfortunately, the attack of the 60's yesterday is nothing but a distant memory. We will be back down into the 20's and 30's by the weekend.
I have to say I am really looking forward to it.
julie/ ddlbg
You know you're in NC when it snows one week, and the flowers bloom the next week because of the 70 degree weather. Don't worry. It'll probably snow next week.
you are a crazy person.
ps. i changed the word verification and still have no new comments. i think it was just an excuse.
Coming from a part of the country where we haven't seen grass since early December because of so much snow, I cannot wait for spring! Of course, spring in Massachusetts feels a lot like winter in NC, so really, I'm excited for summer. Sigh.......only 4 more months til it gets warm here. :(
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