Even though I've complained about being absent from our family photo album, whenever Alex has the camera I duck or run away. Not really sure why. It's just a reflex. There's a camera! Hide! Now Canon has a camera and I can't exactly run away from her when she wants to take my picture. So...I want to get better about having my picture taken. I really would like for there to be a photographic record of this time in my life.
Can you tell this little February
NaBloPoMo is kicking my ass?
Awesome pic! Hello, I'm just a random fan of your internet web log. I just want to say, and I think I speak for many of your readers, golly gosh we want more Christy pics! Yeah! So let this be the beginning of a new trend because you're just too darn cute to stay behind that camera!
Yalex Smitchovich
You're beautiful...don't hide! :)
I agree, so beautiful!
did canon take this photo?!
Honey, you're gorgeous. No hiding from the camera. You want to be a good role model for your little girls! BTW, is that a Canon shot or Alex shot?
NaBloPoMo is definitely challenging you if it's forcing you to post photos of yourself!
I know this will just go in one ear and out of the other (so to speak), but you look just as beautiful as ever.
Love you.
I agree with Yalex!
Ms. Tysonovich
I think I am with Yalex!!! You are gorgeous, don't be left out of the family photo albums.
I can't tell if you're just that beautiful or Alex is a REALLY good photographer. haha!! you look great!! More pictures please
I'm blushing; you guys are so sweet. Thank you for all the kind comments.
Alex took this photo, but I may start posting some of Canon's pictures soon. She's a little trigger happy right now, but maybe when she calms down a bit I'll share some of her photos.
i can feel the love through that pic.
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