Wednesday, November 5, 2008

destiny of a nation

Four years ago I reached around my infant and put my hopes for the future of our country into a tiny little circle. A vote for a man I knew was destined for great things. My little vote a stepping stone, a propulsion into the lead. Now it has come to be.
Since that vote four years ago, I've done a lot of reading and research. My reasons for voting for him again this year are many. I'm not naive enough to believe that things will now be perfect. He's just a man and he'll make mistakes. But I am hopeful. For the past few months I've tried to set my emotions aside so that critics in my immediate circle couldn't accuse me of merely being an emotional voter. Today I am able to let that go. There are lots of tears over here.
For me...race always seemed irrelevant. Some sort of media inflicted issue. I was voting for the man, not the gender or the race. But today I woke up and realized the historical significance of this election. What it means for so many Americans. I am overwhelmed by how far our country has come. And I am so very proud.
Years ago when we hung this picture in our kitchen, it seemed a little quirky. But now that he's going to be the president, I'm starting to think it might be a little creepy.


Heather said...

What a great post Christy. I am so excited, but I am having difficulty even beginning to form sentences that document how momentous this all is. You did a great job.

If it makes you feel better when I was in the Peace Corps every business had a photo of the President hanging in their workplace. Now you have your very own in your kitchen:)

Ken said...

I'm with you - the historic significance of voting for Obama didn't hit me until he was declared the winner last night, and then it was really very emotional. Incredible, really.

And it seemed like every other car on my way to work this morning had a smiling face, and there were even some thumbs ups coming my way.

Although there seemed to be some very pissed off people, too - but all of those seem to be concentrated at my office.

Unknown said...

I still think he ought to ask the the president elect to sign his painting. Why not... it was done way before he was famous. And to think there was a picture even better than that one which Alex made me to throw away. I think the maintainace man at your condo in Chicago has that hanging at his house now. Congrats to the Obama team, I think he will do a good job for all of us. I did not vote for him but he is going to be my president and I support him now and as long as he is our country's leader. I am beginning to feel a little more comfortable with him as president, even thought it has not been a whole day yet. I'm not even sure why actually.

Anonymous said...

I wept last night during one of the most eloquent speeches I have ever heard. If only a small part of his vision can come true, what a wonderful adventure we are going to experience.

I thought about what you and Alex must feel to think that history was taking place a short walk from where you used to live. Wow!


mama dialogues said...

I have been reflecting on how incredible this is for our country all day long.

I stumbled across your blog via "small is beautiful" and I think you have a lovely blog.


Tracy said...

I know what you mean Christy. I have been fighting the urge to literally hold my breath for weeks now, and finally last night I just watched with tears streaming down my face as this country rounded what I think is a monumental corner towards creating a more positive and hopeful future for ourselves. I am so grateful that we as a nation have learned from the last eight years and do not need to repeat those lessons, so we can move forward. Not that one man can change everything -- I see this as a change in our nation, a change in our consciousness that I personally have been longing for. I don't think it has completely sunk in yet.......


no words can describe the feelings I have today. Obama's election means that minorities CAN aspire and reach the highest seats of this country...that is huge to me. I rarely watch daytime tv, but today I watched Oprah, because I knew she'd finally be able to talk about her feelings regarding Obama. It was a great show and I especially enjoyed hearing the views of the panal she had put together.

Dawn said...

It's so funny you mentioned it, but I've been thinking about your Obama photo hanging in your kitchen all day. I was contemplating in my car on my way to work if you were going to keep it up or take it down now that he is President-elect Obama. Whether you keep it up or take it down, I agree with Horace. You should totally get him to sign it.

Anonymous said...

You also have a new Congressman.

I didn't know if you noticed.

Judging from my experience working the polls for a total of about 20 hours, you have to be about 10 years older than us to probably notice.

While the election of Obama is historic - I'm a bit more anxious about this guy.

Jennifer said...

I love this post. I have to say that my emotional excitedness over Tuesday night's events were halted when I went to school the next day. I was one of a handful in the school that supported Obama. For weeks, we quietly supported each other and kept our fingers crossed. Wednesday, we greeted each other with hugs and smiles because we knew in our hearts that change is on it's way. I was so happy. Then it started to happen...walking down the hallways, I heard children CHILDREN stating that they were going to move to Canada, that they wished someone would shoot him, that they guessed they would have to be black in order to get anything....I was heartbroken. If the children were spouting these racists statements they heard from their parents off, imagine what the parents actually said. We came so far on Tuesday night, of which I am proud, but we still have so far to go.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - Kids are impressionable by more than their parents and learn by example.

I can remember being 14 and joining in some rather crass discussions with my classmates. The adults around us were quick to reprimand us. Given the example that they'd shown during the Bush I years, we accepted their instruction and kept our comments to a grumble that continued for 8 more years.

Now, I'm certain that given the support and grace you showed our current President that they will have an open mind to your wisdom when you chastise them for their ignorant comments; and will be better citizens for it.


I welcome our new overlords.