Saturday, May 10, 2008

a song to keep us warm

I didn't start listening to Radiohead until I graduated from college.  Alex and I were living in New York and Kid A had just come out.  For me there was an immediate connection.  I think it is really hard to explain in words when you have a deep connection to certain music.  It's hard to explain where the music takes your mind and how it makes you feel in the deepest part of your chest.  Radiohead moves me.  It's more than just beats and tunes and lyrics;  it's spiritual.
When we left New York, Alex moved to Chicago and I moved back home. We broke up.  During that time, he went to a Radiohead concert in Chicago.  Outdoors.  In the park.  I think for him it was probably one of the greatest nights of his life.  Spiritual.  

It has always made me sad that I wasn't there for that night.  But last night we shared Radiohead live together.  And it really was special.
One of the things I love about music is that it's so different for everyone.  So I'm curious.  What music moves you?


Dawn said...

Oh my goodness. What music doesn't move me? I tear up in church during worship, then in my car listening to an amazing cello solo, then in the bathtub listening to any number of my favorite artists on my iPod. Depending on my mood, it can be the lyrics that strike an emotional heart string or the melodic compilation of instruments working together to stir my soul. Music moves me in a way that almost nothing else can.

By the way, so glad you and Alex got to do something really moving and exciting for your date night.

Jenny said...

I think you know the answer to that question.

Jenny said...

In addition, John Mayer... his lyrics really resonate with me, and I feel a real connection to his sentiments.

lisa said...

I adore radiohead...saw them at the hollywood palladium in the early 90s (intimate old dance hall) and they were amazing. music is so powerful for me for the poetry of the lyrics and the emotion in the voice. thom york is a master at moving me, as is (always and forever) bono.

Nilsa S. said...

Yeah for outdoor concerts and adult time with your husband!! So clearly well deserved!

I used to find a ton of solace when playing the piano. Always classical music. It just put me in a zone where I didn't have to think. I just felt. Not sure listening to other people playing ever puts me in that spot.

Ice Dust said...

My favorite song ever is "Brighter Than Sunshine" by Aqualung. Then there's ColdPlay. Even though I can't half understand what he's singing about, the music does something to me.

askewheels said...

Do I have to admit this, Neil Diamond. There, it is out there, I am a dork!