My girl Elly had a rough day. For the record, she is fine. Here's proof.....

I, on the other hand, am not fine. Lots of mother-guilt since this was an accident I could have totally prevented. And very puffy eyes from all the tears I have shed for the loss of her perfect little smile.
what happened?
Bella is all about trying to pick Elly up these days. Elly was trying to get away. Their legs got tangled up. Elly fell. Bella fell on top of her. It was Bella falling on top of her that slammed Elly's face into the concrete.
Seriously...I could throw up.
Oh my goodness! I'm calling you right now.
Just to clarify....it was NOT Dawn's Bella.
Oh, sweetie!
I am so sorry!
Awwww, well, that smile becomes her. And you can rest a little easier knowing it happened to her baby teeth, which she'll lose in a few years anyway. No guilt - you're a great mom!
I'm sorry Christy! I feel your pain. I smacked MD's head into the corner of one of his shelves in his room. Accidental, of course. This morning was hydro-peroxide and neosporin to the head. We all do the best we can. Accidents happen! Rest easy. You're an absolutely great mommy :)
It's okay, Christy -- you couldn't have known this would happen. At her age, she needs and wants to have more independence and you're trying to give her that, so you can't protect her from everything at the same time. Of course this upsets you, but preventing every accident by hovering won't serve her well in the end. You're a great mom!
Aww, you guys need to have a special treat to make you both feel better. On a side note, Peyton bit through his tongue last week and Jacob got a shiner!
one more thing...i love your header
I'm so sorry. Thankfully she shows her bottom teeth more when she smiles. Her unique smile will probably make her cool to the other kids at school. They'll all be jealous that their teeth don't curve like hers. - Lauren
when my brother was about 2, he had a huge mirror fall and break over him. accidents happen, and you are a really good mom.
and on the bright side, i noticed that the fall didn't hurt her ability to drool incredible amounts
hey christy! i am heather wall's friend, kelly. i met you at ann taylor loft this past weekend! i am SO SORRY to hear about elly! stuff happens. if it makes you feel better last wednesday, jack had to get 2 stitches (one in his lip!). accidents happen, that is why they are called as such. take care!
I feel your pain, girl. Joel still has a jack-o-lantern smile from his accident! I felt so guilty for being upset that his teeth aren't perfect... it's silly, but I can't help it. We all want our kids to be cute, don't we! Hey, at least it was her baby teeth! I know several kids (including my own) that have less than perfect smiles from falls such as this one... so just try not to worry about it. She's okay!
I laid in bed last night thinking about what happened and would cringe at the thought of Elly breaking her tooth. What is amazing though is how resilient our little ones can be. Look at Elly's photos. Her eyes say that nothing has happened and the sooner everyone starts to treat her that way the better she will be. That comes out of my own personal experience. Much love.
She is still beautiful even with a little crooked smile.
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