There it is, on her arm, proof of Canon's dominance and the power held in the position of firstborn. Elly and I were out of town for a few days. When we returned home it was hugs and kisses between the two of them for a full day. And then the love and affection somehow wore off. Now we are back to pushing, shoving, drowning.....and obviously biting. And it's a one-sided attack. Poor Elly.
I envisioned my daughters being best friends. I have two sisters, and we fought quite a bit. So I'm not completely naive in sibling relations. But I thought I would have more control in their relationship. I thought I would be able to guide them into a loving sisterhood. But....that's not really working out so far.
After having worked in a shelter for victims of domestic violence, I saw that ring and immediately thought, "How did Canon catch ringworm???" And then I thought, is it warm enough in North Carolina for the girls to be exposed to ticks (i.e., Lyme disease)??? There are far worse things than a big sister who is sick of her sibling. :-)
I stress over sibling relationships a lot, too. Especially between the two older boys. We don't spank or use any kind of physical punishment with the boys so I worry about why they use their hands with each other sometimes.
Poor Elly. Give her a kiss from me.
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