There are only two positives about having sick children.
1) Cuddling. My girls are both independent. Selfishly, I find it comforting when they want to be held. And they only want to be held when they are sick. Elly won't even let me leave the room. She follows me around reaching to be held. If I happen to be doing something else, she'll attempt to scale my legs.
2) Using my girls' full names at the doctor's office. They were names I painstakingly chose. And they are names that I never get to say unless my children are sick.
Canon Snow Kayley and Connelly Alexandra
Any other mothers out there want to share the names you so meticulously bequeathed upon your child? If so, feel free to do it here (even if your child is well).
I hope she feels better soon.
Jacob Trent and Peyton Lewis
There are pros and cons to it, aren't there?
My boy is Evan Riley.
Isabella Grace...although I only use her entire name when she's getting in trouble. Hope I'm not giving her a complex.
Hope Elly is feeling better soon. She's had more than her fair share of bugs lately.
I think Sam is coming down with something too...
Joel Wesley (Joel for my dad; Wesley for Wes). Joel means "The Lord is willing." After we lost our first baby, I cried out to God, saying, "Lord, if you are willing, please give us a second chance." He was willing.
And Samuel Jacob. Samuel means "heard of God." God heard Hannah's desperate prayer for a child, and she received her son, Samuel, who became a great prophet and a man of God. My Sam is special too.
Hope Elly is feeling better soon!
Cora Estelle Goforth was named after my great great grandmother Cora Estelle Mack. From what I understand about her, she was just as fiery and full of life as Cora is.
You always come up with such awesome topics. I'm with Dawn, the only time I use my girls' full names is when I am looking for their immediate attention!
Braigen Elizabeth (Elizabeth is my mom and grandmothers middle name)
Kali Morgan (Greg is from California, one day I said "Cali", and I never had the chance to pick another name, he was hooked)
Tia Cooper (Tia is aunt in spanish, and my sister is a phenominal aunt)
I got to use Ryan's full name today, he has strep yet again.
Ryan Easton Tyson- Bryan liked Ryan bc it was a version of his name and I chose Easton because I thought it was cool. But since it is the name of a baseball bat, everyone assumes he chose it.
Riley Marie Tyson- My name is Shellie Marie and my Great grandmothers name is Ida Marie Riley. So I went with it. Riley Marie was much perferred over Ida.
Ryan's middle name could have been Louisville Slugger! Ha, ha!
You know how I feel about the sick cuddles! Oddly, I don't use my childrens' full names at the doctors??? Just Bryce since he goes by his middle name.
Anthony Bryce
Domenic Jace
Jaekob Brecken
????? ??????
PS: Didn't know Elly was Connelly. I like it!
Such unique names. They're great!
Michael Dean - and that's what we actually call him every day so I get to say his full name all the time! I wasn't too sold on it at first but Donnie thought Michael was too common. See, Michael was my dad's middle name and Dean is Donnie's and his dad's middle name.
Thanks for asking for this...very cool! Take care...
This was a lot of fun for me. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your baby names.
Hayden Daniel Bobbitt -
Just catching up on your blog postings - love reading them!
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