Thanks for the votes on my bedtime poll. Alex and I enjoy completely opposite schedules. He is a night owl and can function on very little sleep. I, on the other hand, need. my. sleep. I just started to wonder what bedtime routine other couples follow. I think Alex and I may be a bit abnormal. Two-thirds of the people polled say they go to bed with their partner all the time or most nights of the week.
What shocked me more is that 46 people voted on my poll. I honestly had no idea that many people were stopping by. Who are you people? I would seriously love to know.
Several people have asked me how the freelance gig is going. I love the work. It's fun and interesting. But freelancing as a stay-at-home mom is challenging. I really can't do anything until the girls go to bed.'s like having part-time job late at night and still jumping out of bed when the girls wake up at the crack of dawn. I feel like I'm not able to give the job my very best, and that is disappointing.
Anyway...I've missed being in the blogosphere. I even dusted off my camera for a few pictures today.

She scratches her nose when she sucks her thumb. So...she'll have jacked-up teeth and a scarred nose. These days she is ever so close to walking. She walks holding my finger, but she is not confident enough to take a step on her own. I love the stage she is in right now. I feel like she's always standing at my legs, holding on to my pants, and reaching to be picked up. I love it!
Cute pictures. By the way, I know exactly how you feel with the late night work. I get most of my studying done during naps and after bedtime. It sucks because I have almost no time to myself, but I keep telling myself it's just temporary. This too shall pass. Keep up the good work and please don't forget to blog every now and then. Your blog readers miss you.
I'm with Dawn...I miss your blog. I checked all week, just in case you decided you couldn't stay away!!! Good luck with all of the free-lancing, I know that there probably aren't enough hours in the day:)
I did the same thing Danika did checking all week hoping for a little snippet into your precious world. I always look forward to the new pictures and your beautiful enteries
You are missed.
Glad the freelance job is going well. It's good to see some new pics of the girls and hear how things are going.
I, for one, miss you, too! But, I know how important it is to keep working your brain. Sometimes the part-time work gives it a good kick in the butt (or in the head, as it may be). Thank goodness my Google Reader lets me know when you've updated so I can avoid coming to your blog longingly multiple times a day until you blog again. :-)
I check your blog almost everyday. Love the pics of the girls. Will miss you and Elly this weekend.
Love you
Hi, I'm Sarah, poll-taker number 20 something. I can't remember how I found you, but I think it was by linking through from other Chicago bloggers... So. Taa daa! Here I am. Love reading your posts, love the photos of the sweet babes.
You need to quit it! What are you thinking?... actually having an outside life!
Clearly, I have no life... but I miss you in my non-life!
It is so hard to add to life without taking anything away. If only we could make more hours in the day...
your girls are edible! those eyes! i can't get enough. i do miss your posts.
and my hubs and i have crazy different sleep schedules. i missed your poll, so am choosing to hold your comments hostage whilst i tell you our sleeping habits. ;-D the hubs can fall asleep anywhere, at any time. he has a bad back so he chooses a different bed almost every night. my bed, his bed in our room, the guest bedroom bed, or one of the two couches in the living room. i am a night owl (it's 2:45 am right now!) but i only sleep in one place. we used to sleep in the same bed every night, go to sleep at the same time together. but then we had kids. and we each realized that we sleep so much better without fighting over blankets. and when we sleep better... we like eachother even more in the morning! ;-D
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