Friday, November 2, 2007


If you have a second, please check out the poll in the right column. I'm just curious and would greatly appreciate your answer. Yes...I'm asking for a peek into your bedroom.

(amendment: Just after I created the poll, I wanted to make a change. But my dear blog readers are much quicker than I am, and a couple people voted before I could make a correction. Once someone votes, you can't change anything on the poll (which makes total sense). But I think the third option should read "sometimes" instead of "rarely." So...consider it changed. Thanks for all the votes. And if you haven't voted yet, please do. This isn't exactly the most scientific poll, but I think it's interesting.)


Jenny said...

I can't remember...

possum said...

Since my current partner is the TV and/or internet, I'll vote as if I was still with my ex gf.