And this picture just makes me happy. My grandfather loves my girls so much.

Today Alex and Canon went out for breakfast together and then saw Ratatouille. I'm so glad they are spending time alone. Their outing also gave me some one-on-one time with Elly. She is everywhere these days.

Sounds like you had a whirlwind weekend. I'm so glad that your grandfather got to love on your girls. I miss my grandfathers at times like these. Cherish this time you have with him. It's priceless.
Family time so difficult when families are in different towns or divorced. Your girls love the attention and with no doubt like having 2 parties. I have finely come to the point of embracing the multiple families and their get togethers. It will be easier. But don't stress, your girls just see 2 parties. What better for a birthday girl.
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