Today I spent nearly two hours on the phone with an old friend I haven't really talked to in 14 years. We instantly slipped into conversation as if no time had passed. And tonight I stopped by a former classmate's home to drop off some things for the reunion. I found myself wanting to stay, to sit on her porch and reconnect. Or connect in a way we never did in high school.
I hope the people I know from high school are able to respect the journey and won't judge me for the girl I was back then.
We are always a little bit of our past. Otherwise, we wouldn't be who we are today. At my reunion, I found those lost connections momentarily. Thrown into the past, even though we have traveled so far since. Eventually, we all slipped back into our present day lives. Connections lost once again. However, it's nice to reunite for a short time.
You should be proud of who you are today (go armed with lots of pictures of your girls!) - if you are, so will others. And don't forget to have a great time, Christy.
I loved the girl you were then and I love the woman you are now, I just wish our play-dates allowed for more grown-up talk. We HAVE to go get coffee alone sometime, so that we can talk about something deeper than potty training.
I hate you.
Seriously, though, that is just sick and wrong that you would post that picture! Shouldn't I have been at least consulted beforehand???
What were we thinking? I'm ashamed.
And another thing...
Your smile: very genuine, obviously happy that you won.
My smile: very fake, obviously thinking "get away from me you crown-stealing wench!"
Love you, girl... I mean "your majesty!"
umm i think you and jenny should wear those dresses to your reunion. they are GORGEOUS and very understated.
Christy, sometimes I wish my high school classmates would organize a reunion just so I could show them that I am not the girl I was back then! I think the journey changes us all!!
Oh the memories of high school. . .None of us are now what we were. At least I hope not. Time has past and we have grown up. At almost 30, we still have so much growing to do. In ten years, we will all be saying the same thing about now.
I would love to help you with any last minute things, since you twisted my arm. Email or call.
The shot of you and Jenny classic high school.
I love you, then & now. See you on Thursday!!!
As I have said to you before I think you are an inspiration to us all. If someone cannot appreciate the amazing person you are because they are busy judging you then they don't deserve to even keep company with you. Besides the fact you were wonderful then and you still are now. Smile because you are not alone in your fear and know we are all standing beside you.
I think you should bring the dresses back to.
Because they are FANTASTIC.
Have fun.
It almost feels like I will be meeting all of you for the first time this weekend. I know we've all changed and I'm pretty excited about it! You were beautiful then -inside and out- and you still are!
looking at this picture I can almost hear echos of "I'm Just A Girl Who Can't Say NO"!! Have a great time this weekend, Love, Mama T
Funny, that is the Christy I remember :) I hope you guys have a great time tomorrow night. Who knows if the class of '95 will ever do this. My guess is not. Take care...Courtney
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