I promised pictures, but Canon was impossible. At the beach she runs. Constantly. When I pull out my camera, she runs faster. It was actually easier to take a picture of her footprint in the sand just a breath before the ocean erased it, than to get a picture of her face.

Canon's expression of verbal affection has become almost obsessive. One day on the beach I decided to count how many times she said "I love you, Mommy" during a one hour period. I lost count at 52. It was during that time we also had this conversation.
Canon: I love my seashell.
Me: You do?
Canon: Yes...I love you too, Mommy.
Me: I love you.
Canon: I know you love me, Mommy.
Take that, seashell! I don't think it gets much better than that.
I did manage to get pictures of Elly. She thinks sand is yummy and hilarious.

On the way back from the beach, we visited my grandmother. She is 90 and can barely see. So I was surprised when she said...
"A few weeks ago I saw rednecks coming through the doors and windows."
Apparently her medication combination was causing her to hallucinate. She is better now; no more rednecks coming in the windows. We asked her how she knew they were rednecks and she said that she could just tell.
Anyway...it's good to be home.
I'm so glad you're back! I missed you but enjoyed talking to you on the phone while you were off having your beach adventure. Love the photo of Canon's footprint in the sand. I also love how Canon knows how much you love her - that tells you how great a mommy you are to her. She doesn't doubt for a minute how much she is loved by you.
By the way, the redneck hallucinations by your grandmother gave me a good chuckle!
Missed you and love you.
Missed you. Glad you're home. Picture of Canon's footprint reminds me of a series of pictures I took of my feet by the water's edge last summer on Cape Cod. And finally ... you know you're an aging Southerner when your hallucinations are of rednecks invading your home. hahah. Nice to see some humor in your post.
Mema actually turned 90 this past February. It still shocks me. I had to double check it because sometimes I don't believe it's true.
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