Tuesday, May 1, 2007

dreaming and doing

I've been reading the book my aunt wrote for young adults. And tomorrow my former neighbor is appearing on Crossing Jordan. It seems everyone around me is dreaming, doing, creating, being. I feel stuck...stagnant. I can't tell you how many conversations Alex and I have about being creative together and starting our own business. But I can't seem to make the jump and get behind an idea. I sit at home and dream, but never do. I need to start doing more.


Jenny said...

Go. Start doing. Don't waste your time waiting around; start living now.

Actually, I need to take my own advice!

Dawn said...

There's nothing wrong with dreaming. When the time's right to act, you'll feel something inside change and the power of inertia will take over. You'll be living your dreams before you know it.

Merissa said...

I have forgotten to dream. The question on the class reunion survey asked what you're dreams were. I really didn't know so I put that I just wanted my kids to be healthy and happy. That's good, but I know there's more deep down inside of me.