Wednesday, December 9, 2009

big news

Canon is engaged. Yep. The date is set for "when they grow up." He has the same last name, which she thinks is just perfect. But it's kind of a secret. They want to wait until it's closer to the date to start telling people. So...mum's the word.

Time to reconsider homeschooling, I think.




Dawn said...

I'm sure Alex is hyperventilating over this news! At least he has a little time to let it sink in :).

sldrye said...

very cute- won't say a word

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I'm pretty sure Canon learned from her mother how to find a boy with the same last name. =)

Tracy said...

So adorable!

Jenny said...

Joel has already chosen his wife too.

lindsey smith said...

whats his name?

Jennifer said...

hahahaha. That is great. I remember getting a ring in kindergarten from a boy....I think he only paid 25 cents for it, but I LOVED it!

Lauren Gyorfi said...

very funny. can't wait for the wedding