Lately I've been lusting for an old farm house. With cold, creaky wooden floors and a screen door that slams shut with a startling bang. Curtains that partner with passing breezes for friendly dances. The view from the kitchen window of fields and trees and an old red barn. Pastures that are blanketed with fog in the morning and painted gold by the sunset in the evening. Fireflies that chase the dusk and deer that stalk the dawn. Endless places for the girls to explore. Fields of grass and dirt and flowers and weeds and bugs and critters that can transform on a whim to pirate ship or alien planet or fairy garden. Endless acres where there are no rules. A secret place behind a tree that is quiet and all my own; a place everyone knows exists, but no one knows exactly where it is.
And somehow this dream doesn't compromise my desire to live in a city. It's the extremes I love, the middle where I am discontent.
very nice
City during the week, Farm on the weekends! I'm with you...I love the city...but having a quiet place like your dream farm is important for the soul too. I love all the various shades of blue in your photo :).
My daugher, the poet!
How beautiful! Who knew? This has been a lifelong fantasy of mine. I would love to live the place you described.
I hope you don't mind, I have been following you blog through Dawn's. I love this posting as Dawn and I grew up with that farm to escape to. We played, pretending that it was our special land. There is something so magical and comforting about a farm. I would give anything to be able to revisit our farm again. (Dawn's cousin Kathy)
I totally get this! I too dream of living on a little farm but need city stuff nearby.
Like Kat said, we had that special place growing up and it was almost exactly how you described it. Oh how I miss that farm with the lopsided floors, creaking screen doors, and front porch swing. A place where our imagination could run wild and frequently did. Afternoons spent scheming how to catch the wild kittens. Long hikes by the pond in search of new treasures awaiting us in the seemingly endless fields. It was a wonderful place that I will never forget. Thank you for bringing up such special memories for me.
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