I nearly cried when I found a nest last week. There was no sign of the mother. Initially I was angry and frustrated with her. How could she abandon her egg? Why wasn't she skirting about, squawking, trying everything in her power to save it? And then I started to think maybe this was her first egg. Maybe she was a new mother. Maybe she didn't understand what was going on when she felt this intense need to build a nest. And maybe she hurriedly wove a bed of pine straw, twigs and leaves unaware of the potential danger nearby. And then she laid her egg. And maybe she was frightened and confused. And maybe she just flew away.
Then there is the bird that has nested in the archway of our fence. She is fierce. Constant. When I approach her, she stiffens her neck. Unblinking she warns me. And I can see from the black of her eyes that she will defend her territory, her precious eggs. And I whisper, "it's okay, mama."

This is a beautful post, Christy. This is my favorite kind of post that you write: thoughtful musings on life. Plus, the image of you and your girls running outside, flapping your arms definitely made me smile. :)
if only the young mother would have asked the fierce bird to keep her egg...one mother helping out another.
I love your observation here and love your understanding.
p.s. love your color week idea for may! maybe the third week?
The tenuous and fragile nature of life is beautifully captured in this post. Your glimpse into the life of motherhood is just beautiful.
Miss you.
I love this post...well said.
I've been feeling the fight/flight a lot lately, although I haven't yet been able to blog about it. Partly because I've been too busy fighting fires (my fight response at work), but also because it's just too hard right now. I really get it, though, the dichotomy we live with every day. A beautiful post.
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