I feel like I'm not here very much anymore. For some reason I've hit some sort of blogging wall and I can't figure out/remember why I post here. I don't feel inspired. My relationship with the blog has changed quite a bit over the past couple years, but this is the first time I've felt like I could wrap blythe and bonnie up in a pretty bow and put her on a shelf somewhere.
So...I need some help. Some reminding. Why do you blog? Why do you read blogs?
well, I read blogs for entertainment and inspiration...yours was one of the blogs that inspired me to begin blogging myself. your words are beautiful...keep it up!
No, no, no, no!!!! Please don't wrap up Blythe and Bonnie. I would seriously be very, very sad. You also inspired me to start my blog.
I mainly read blogs to keep connected, get inspired, see other people's creativity, escape into someone else's world.
You can't stop blogging. You just can't, so don't even think about it.
Love you.
I write to share what interests me. I read to see what motivates other people and what they struggle with and are passionate about.
Some people don't share any struggles in their blogs. I don't share everything, but I do share where I'm at.. It's what I appreciate about other people's blogs.
I have appreciated your honesty.
I love your blog...you have such a beautiful way with words and photos...please don't leave! I blog because I enjoy spinning the small happenings of my life into stories. Blogs are windows into people's hearts and minds...and golly, I love taking a peek :).
dearest christy, I know your pain. but that's the beauty of the blog...it can just sit and wait patiently for grand inspirtation, a moment to share, the pure beauty of the ordinary. b&b will be here for you when you want it. unconditionally.
yours was one of the few blogs I read regularly before I took the leap myself. I was drawn back to b&b for many reasons. one of the reasons was being able to "visit" your lovely family. to have a brief and tiny glimpse into a normal healthy home (I have to see so many of the opposite every day) dealing with normal family challenges. your children's smiles and obvious delight in their lives give me hope and inspiration to keep going in my day job. and I remember one time you were going through a time when you had very natural doubt about your abilities and I remember thinking how beautiful that was that you worried so much about being a good mother. I know, I have a weird perspective given the job I do, but christy that was absolutely beautiful to me. I think mothers are so hard on themselves but only because they know how important they are to little human beings. I remember thinking, "how can I teach that to the women I work with?" I still don't have the answer, but know that your little experience inspired a tiny movement here.
anyway, that was a long way of saying please stay. your photos, smiles, inspiration to run, humour...these are things I count on every day.
xo, lisa
one. i liked the modelo picture.
two. i obviously am bad with calling people on the phone. i feel like i am still part of your life when you blog. and thats mainly the reason i started mine so that i could indirectly be in touch with you and lauren.
three. so many of my friends read your blog that dont even know you. your blog is beautiful.
I think the beautiful thing about blogging is it can be whatever you want it to be. For you, I see a couple things (in no particular order). A chronology of the little and big things in your children's lives. A place to share your amazing proclivity for photography. A place to expose yourself a bit, maybe work through some deeper issues. Regardless of how much you blog, you do make an impact, Christy. I'd miss the interaction with you if you disappeared from this community.
I would never hear about and see pictures of the girls if you stopped your blog. That the only way i can keep up with them.
I blog just so family far away can keep up with Jake as he grows.
I feel like I am a part of you. You are like my better half. You take the beautiful pictures, say the words, express your feelings, that are in my heart, mind and soul. I love to read your blog and agree with everything you say. You inspire me. . .to think differently, to view differently, to look outside of my world. I love to read about your life. To live thru you with your adventures. Since our class reunion, I feel like I have a new set of friends. All because of you. Your blog has linked me to many worlds that I would never have found without you and your blog. I was a blog virgin, before you. I didn't even know what one was. Thank you!
please don't stop blogging. reading your blog makes me feel like I'm not completely missing out on the girls as they grow. I loved the month of february because there were constant updates and glimpses into the worlds of Canon and Elly. I blog mainly because I want my family and friends to catch glimpses into Caleb's world.
I sometimes feel the same way about blogging, e-mail, facebook- anything really to do with connecting thru the computer. But I haven't stopped yet. It's been good to re-connect w/ friends past and get to know some friends that I didn't really know before. I've been inspired, encouraged and been able to feel others pain, joy and fears.
I read blogs - because I'm nosey.
I have a blog - to show off my kid.
That's about it! Good luck...
Don't kill your blog just because I did
I love your blog and check on it every few days and would be very sad not to glimpse your life and your beautiful girls. You are a great writer and very inspirational to others like me who have just started a blog.
I don't know why i read blogs but i'm addicted. Your post the other day about your little one and her relationship with her dad was a perfect example of how life should be. |I loved your take on what you thought would happen and what has. It's a reflection on your life that your kids will read when older and love. I guess i have started a blog because i want my kids to see a glimpse of who i am that they might not see if something happened to me. My mum died when i was 15 and i always think that maybe i never really knew her and i would love to have read a blog or diary of hers to feel a connection with who she was as a person not just a mum.
Tracey ;)
Please keep going x
I found your blog by clicking through other people's blogrolls - I started reading blogs when I was pregnant and didn't have (at the time) many friends that were pregnant or had children that I was close to. I got a peek into other people's worlds that I would not otherwise have known, and it made me feel more connected. Some other lives I've liked, some I haven't. But it inspired me to keep my own blog, as irregular as it is. I can't say that you should continue blogging; my own blog seems rather uninspired sometimes since I am so consumed with a new baby that often that is all I write about (despite thinking about a lot of other stuff too). Still, I think Blythe and Bonnie is beautiful and maybe you should take a break before you give it up. No sense in closing a door that you don't need to close.
i read your blog because i love you. and i check it every day. it's bookmarked. as is lindsey's, and lauren's. call me a stalker... that's okay. i almost called you when i was driving through charlotte the other day, but i don't have your number. part of me would feel lost without your blog...
<3 Rachel
It is our way of keeping up with you, Alex and the girls........I like it....Big PaPa
i think that i blog to connect. there are times in my life when i don't need it and i don't read very often.
i blog to remember. there are moments in my life that i never want to forget, but that i know that i will if i don't put it down somewhere.
i blog to write. this ebbs and flows, but when i need to write somewhere, it's here.
keep going hun. at your own pace.
we rarely know the beauty of our own work until time washes our memory and we have the materials to look back at it. i think you should keep your blog.:)
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