five good things:
1. a phone conversation with my best friend
2. cinnamon toast and coffee
3. listening to This American Life in bed with my husband
4. smelling spicy
5. having some time to myself this weekend
Thank goodness it is Friday. I'd love to know your Friday five.
my friday five:
1. anticipating a trip to the container store this weekend
2. getting a haircut
3. cleaning out all the leftovers in the frig
4. being proud of my cousin for getting into his top choice for college
5. getting the chance to go run outdoors
christy, I love your friday five posts...you gotta keep it up after nablopomo! Happy Weekend.
1. Talking to my best friend.
2. Surviving a long, long work week.
3. Using my gift cards at the mall this weekend.
4. Going to eat at a restaurant.
5. Starting a new book.
1. My new Jon & Kate haircut
2. Great deals at the Walmart on basics for Riley
3. REFI on our house. Drop HP $158.00.
4. Riley being so excited to see me at daycare pickup.
5. My new LG Rhythm.
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