This is Canon just days before Elly was born. She was exactly the same age here that Elly is now. It was back when she was our everything and the entire world centered around her. Our relationship hasn't been the same since Elly was born. The components of our hearts have been rearranged a bit to make room for the newest member for our family. I'm not able to give her my full attention. I miss her.
Today we spent some time alone. I'm always amazed at how effortless and fun it is to be with her. We are just two girls having a good time, holding hands and snuggling every chance we get.
Things are just different when we are one on one. I want to be better about spending alone time with each member of this little family.
Hmm, I feel that same way about Fen. I recently took Fen on a date to get ice cream...just the two of us...it was amazing :). Hope you enjoy your one-on-one dates with Canon :).
you are such a good mom.
this is how I feel sometimes about our upcoming addition. As excited as we all are, I know that life for Cora must change to incorporate baby #2.
I'm sure you miss your one on one time with Canon since Elly's arrival. At this point, I don't even know what it feels like to divide your time as a mother. I can't believe how much she's grown up since then. What a sweet, sweet girl you have on your hands.
Great blog! I so worry about not being able to spend enough time with Olivia once our new baby is here. I love our one on one time.
I love the picture. Livie crosses her fingers just like Canon in the picture. I wonder what makes them do that when they are so little.
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