Today some of the neighborhood kids came over to see if Canon could play outside. Wanting to join them, Elly frantically began putting on her socks and shoes. And then she headed outside, feeling totally prepared for outdoor activities. And it's not like she forgot her clothes because she was very intentional about her footwear. It was more like...I want to go outside and play. What do I need? Socks and shoes. Check. Now I'm good to go.
I know posting naked photos of my children crosses some sort of unspoken line of parental appropriateness, but the journalist in me feels that she waived all rights to privacy when she stepped outside.
(You can't see Tzeitel's face in this picture, but the look in her eyes pretty much read - Oh my god! Where are this child's clothes?! You people are so embarrassing. THIS is why I tried to run away a few weeks ago.)
oh christy, you crack me up! this post made my morning. I also wish I could experience the complete and total freedom that elly has with her little being. and that girl can pick out some cute shoes.
I don't need to see the dog's eyes to know what he's thinking...the self-righteous judgement just pours from the back of his head! but hey, he doesn't have to think about clothes at all. ever.
Riley's "house clothes" are panties and high heels. It's great how comfortable they are. I am envious.
That little girl of yours is so funny. She's 100% original. Running around in her birthday suit is 100% Elly and I love it. If she keeps this up, twenty years from now you could be visiting Elly at a nudist colony. She's a total hoot!
Give that little girl of yours a hug and kiss from me.
When naked pictures of children are art, not porn, I think you get to put them up on your blog. This photo, my dear, speaks a thousand words. LOVE IT!
I love the photo...and good for you for letting Elly be exactly as she wants to be. Freedom of expression at its best :).
I love it! Elly is amazing
That photo will be a classic one day. I love it
I know where she gets it from....Alex. haha Too cute!!
that story made me smile. thanks.
hehe! love it! my third is JUST like this. i secretly love when i find her out on the trampoline jumping and singing as nekked as nekked can be. that's true beauty.
Really cute. I can't keep clothes on my almost 5 year old little girl either. If her brother gets hot outside and takes off his shirt, she does too. I love her innocence and wish there weren't so many horrified looks and sniggers from onlookers when she disrobes.
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