Saturday, December 27, 2008

space holder

I'm here. Recovering from the holiday. Also recovering from a post-Christmas meltdown which involved lots of tears and then lots of sleep. I'll be back soon. I promise.


lisa said...

I really think the week between christmas and new years needs to be officially named "meltdown week". it's just awful. all the pressure to give, give, give then change, change, change.

hope your recovery finds you rested and ready.


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Christy, you look gorgeous! If this is how you handle a meltdown, I hope you took notes because I might need them someday. =)

Shell said...

Great to know that I am not the only one. I love Christmas, but I also love going back to work. Christmas stresses me out!

Danika said...

Ohhh, sorry to hear about the much hype, then gone in a day! What an amazing picture of you with the girls, you are gorgeous.

Dawn said...

You certainly do look as beautiful as ever! Glad I got to spend a little bit of time with you even if it wasn't enough. Miss you too much already.

Love you.


so lovely :).

Juggling Act said...

What a beautiful pic of you and your girls. Sorry to hear there have been so many tears. My kids have been fighting like cats and dogs. Ugh...

lisa said...

happy new year christy.

those girls, they get me. consider a wall filled with your amazing photos of those little ones and their escapades. I would love to see that.