Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's that time of year again when I start to wonder what the hell I was thinking. I'm not sure why I keep convincing myself a stay-at-home mom can handle this freelance job. I'm stressed. It didn't really help that I decided to read Twilight last weekend for a little escapism. In less than a week I finished all four books in the series. So basically when I wasn't working, I was reading. Like a socially awkward, bookish adolescent, I read in the car, at the table, at the mall, at the park...everywhere. Cleaning and laundry were the first things to go. Eventually everything fell by the wayside including sleeping and eating. Kids? Husband? The poor family has been fending for themselves.

Thursday night I was working and hopped up on caffeine. I decided that if I got a lot of work done, I would treat myself to the midnight premiere of the movie Twilight. So I headed to the local movie theater. The film was playing on five screens at midnight. Each theater was sold out and packed full of teenage girls. There were a few mothers and a couple smitten boyfriends, but otherwise just thousands of high school girls. I felt like a chaperone. Before the movie started a theater employee announced strict rules concerning seat saving and cell phones. Cell phones were absolutely not allowed once the movie began. If you were caught talking, texting or even checking the time on your cell phone you would be escorted out and refunded the cost of the movie. The teenage girls next to me were livid. I TEXTING?! FOR THE ENTIRE MOVIE?! I thought one girl was going to have a breakdown. And I couldn't help but think that it was midnight....on a school night! What on earth are these kids so urgently talking about? I'm old.

So now that I have finished the books and watched the movie, I guess I'm done with the vampires for a while. I miss them. I'm actually starting to feel like a vampire. The whole not eating, not sleeping (and occasionally wanting to kill someone) part. Maybe I've discovered another path to becoming a vampire....reading all the books in the Twilight series in less than a week. Beats being bitten. Dude, I'm delirious. Got to work.


Dawn said...

You are so funny! I'm going to the library today to return some books and I think I'm going to have to check out Twilight thanks to all your Vampire talk.

I can totally sympathize with your need for escapism, though. When my thesis was due, I would tell myself that I just needed a little break from it all. Two hours, a chick-flick, and a bag of popcorn later, I would guiltily return to the books and be more stressed out than ever because of the "wasted" two hours.

Hang in there. This job will be over soon and your life will return to normal. You can do it. I have complete faith that you will do another stellar job this year. Go knock their socks off!

Love you.

Jen B said...

I'm just like that when I get into my book-reading frenzies. I'll be completely consumed for a couple of weeks, reading in every spare moment. This past summer, at the beach, I read about 5 books within 5 days, and on the 6th day, my mom begged me not to start another book. I felt bad, so I didn't.

Glad to see I'm not the only one out there!

Shell said...

I wish you would tell us about some of what you free lance about.

christy said...

Shell - The Charlotte Touchdown club gives out a national award to the best defensive college football player. (Think Heisman, but hasn't been around as long and is only for a defensive player.) There's a big banquet/ceremony in December. I write everything for the banquet. I'm the producer for the event and also the assistant to the executive director of the Charlotte Touchdown Club, so I'm also involved in setting things up.

That's the basic gist. Thanks for asking.

Shell said...

That is awesome. Thanks for explaining.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I'm so sad this post was lost on me. I'm so totally not into the Twilight phenomenon.

lisa said...

I was obsessed with anne rice's vampires in the 80s. maybe I will have to give twilight a twirl.

my friend took her teen and a friend to the movie. when she picked them up, they were literally twitching with crush.

if I recall, that's not a bad feeling. everyone deserves an escapist fling once in a while.

Jenny said...

That post was hilarious, Christy. I'm the same way about good books (although it doesn't happen very often for me). I miss the characters when it's all over, and it kinda stinks to have to go back to real life. Although I don't think I'll be reading Twilight; I have a fear of vampires. Seriously. It started in third grade and has persisted throughout my life. So... I can't read stuff like that or I'll have nightmares. But I do normally gravitate towards books written for older children/teens. I guess my mental abilities are just about on par with that age group. I think the more children I have, the dumber I get! They suck away your brain cells!!!

Shell said...

Jenny might want to borrow my Sweet Valley High Books!

Anonymous said...

so, you inspired me-- and I'm now on book #2. I like it-- and hope to have time to finish the series before the movie is out of theaters...
we'll see.
I may just rent it. Teenaged girls irritate me.
... but I do find myself thinking about the book's characters more than I should when I'm not reading it...
I need help.