Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thanks to a little case of pink eye, Alex worked from home today. Which meant I had time to:

1) make a few calls for work
2) have lunch with high school friends
3) exercise my democratic right to vote

Initially I felt pretty strongly about holding out until election day. I wanted to be a part of the day, feel the energy and burden of the single, defining day. But I began to fear that something catastrophic might happen on Tuesday that would prevent me from voting.

I'm a freak show because I was tearing up just waiting in line. And when I put my finished ballot in the machine, actual tears fell.

Now on Tuesday all I have to do is cuddle up on the couch with a cup of coffee and watch the numbers come in.
I would also like to take this time to thank all the McCain supporters out there (and I know there are quite a few of you) for being so respectful on my blog. You guys let me ramble on about how much I love Obama without a single negative comment. It didn't go unnoticed.


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

And this is why I adore you so. Your passion for life. I'll be cuddled up on my couch Tuesday, too ... and I'm quite certain I'll think of you a couple times. =)

jenica said...

oh yes, i voted early too. and i felt the power of it, even though it was a week early.


Shell said...

Thank you for being so honest about the tears and the emotion. My uncle ran for office in Cab County for years, he preached to me about my duty as an American, I hold that so close. I worked the polls for years upon years, and this year was very emotional for me. I took someone to vote that would not have, and I too could hardly hold back the tears. What ever the outcome may be, we have met part of our duties as American's.


Voted early too...absentee ballet for Illinois. I have Chinese class on Tuesday night, but my teacher promised we'll be done before the polls close on the West Coast and the tv coverage starts to get exciting. I LOVE election's like the superbowl, but better :). Hope Tuesday results in our man winning :).

Dawn said...

Yeah for voting! I'll definitely be cuddled on my couch watching the results on Tuesday, thinking about you doing the same. Miss you.

Jen B said...

I had fun seeing you yesterday. Let's not let it be so infrequent, though. I miss you.

Tracy said...

Yes, the experience of voting on the day is pretty amazing, but I was glad this year to be sending my absentee ballot to NC from Massachusetts, so I voted a couple weeks ago. Every vote counts in NC!!

Unknown said...

I think the respect we all show each other in reference to our individual opinions is what keeps me here blogging.

Jennifer said...

I too am one of those people who like to wait till the day to vote. I have been battling a cold, but believe me, I will be at that polling station tomorrow morning come hell or high water. Although, part of me wishes I would have already voted as I am getting bombarded by phone calls....nah, I think I would have still waited till the day. Happy Election Day.