I've been feeling very uninspired lately. Not sure if it's just the season. Or stress. Or sickness. But when I open up my brain there is NOTHING there. So...I thought I'd ask you, blog readers, to open up your brains and share one thing that has inspired you lately. Anybody?
I was going to share the story of the original Rocky script; but I found it was a fabrication.
There is this from NPR about a race in memory of a firefighter.
Like you, I've been way too busy to be inspired lately. However, I was just reading My Topography and felt inspiration over the how she described the beautifully exhilarating and painful experience of parenting. She describes it as: "On the one hand utter sweetness; on the other anguish." The way she describes the delicate balance of parenthood stirs emotions that only a parent could feel. Makes me feel thankful for the opportunity to be a mommy through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Inspiration indeed.
I, too, have been incredibly focused on tasks lately. But what keeps things real? When one friend tells me she will likely have to put her cat down because she's losing all bodily function. And then minutes later, hearing the news that far off friends just had a healthy baby girl. LIFE inspires me.
This is a repeat from what I put on my blog today (funny how that worked out!), but here ya go...
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
I really want to live that way, ya know. Good luck.
this post: http://brittsoucy.blogspot.com/2008/09/finding-artist-in-mom.html
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