Sunday, August 3, 2008

the fight

I've been blogging for quite a few months now. And in all the time I've been posting here, I've really tried not to write negative things about my husband. For the most part, I feel like this is not the place to air out personal grievances. Until now. I would like to introduce what I will refer to as 'Exhibit A' otherwise known as Alex's new motorcycle:
Honestly I think I'm still in a bit of shock that he actually bought it. He had one when we first started dating, but that was more than ten years ago. I thought it was a phase he had surely outgrown. Recently he started mentioning more often that he would like to have one. But I thought it was more of a daydream desire, something he would buy if he won the lottery. It was comparable to the beach house I was going to buy when we became vastly wealthy.

But then last week Exhibit A arrived at our house. I have two main issues with Exhibit A.

1) Unless gold nuggets shoot out the exhaust pipe, we can't afford it. Heck...I'd be happy with chicken nuggets, at least then we would have something to eat. And though Alex has tried to show me all the money we'll save in gas, I'm not the type of person who really understands the concept of spending more to save more.

2) Alex is the most accident-prone/reckless person I know. A person who has gone to the emergency room five times in the past five years should not ride a motorcycle on a daily basis. I made him square away his life insurance policy before he rode Exhibit A to work. Because for me, it's not 'if' he gets hurt, it's 'when' and 'how badly.' Just last month we passed a horrible motorcycle accident on I-85, mangled bodies on the side of the road. I don't think I'm up for the worry Exhibit A brings to my daily life.

I'm trying to see the positive in this. Since Alex and I really don't argue very much, Exhibit A might provide for some good make-up sex. But for the is because I am mad at him and definitely NOT because I think the bike is sexy. Right?!


Danika said...

Was this is birthday present to himself??HAHAHA

Shell said...

Boys and their toys. Have you used the: "You have 2 beautiful girls, that can't live withouth their daddy."?

Yes the gas to saving money concept is great, but at the expense of being hurt?!?

Good luck with that. Great sex is in your future.

Unknown said...

I love that this entry comes right after the one titled "the man I love"! That cracks me up, but that's how it goes. Mike got ride of his crotch rocket last summer and I was very thankful. I'm with you, I have enough to worry about on a day to day basis! I say his birthday present is now going to be a really good helmet.


I absolutely share your fear of motercycles and accident-prone husbands (Dustin would LOVE a bike...but I'm just too scared to let him have one). BUT...just think of how fun it will be to ride behind your husband on the bike...get a babysitter and ride off to a date!! I also cracked up that your latest post came after "the man i love". Husbands...can't live without them, but they sure can drive you wacko sometimes!

Jenny said...

Yeah; I'm with you. Thankfully, Wes doesn't care for motorcycles. He's seen too many people get really messed up from motorcycle accidents. Sorry... that's probably not helping. Anyway, I think Wes will just stick with the blood sacrifices he pays to the mountain biking gods for now.

The REALLY bad thing is going to be when Canon starts asking for rides. Good luck, my friend.

Courtney said...

Good luck with that one! I'd be mad too... :)

Merissa said...

The picture of the bike does look pretty hot though!

Nilsa S. said...

Really? He went ahead and bought it knowing how adamantly against it you are? That's too bad. I think you have every right to be concerned.

Unknown said...

Matthew finally traded his death machine aka street bike for a little pit bike to ride in the backyard but it was only after a nasty speeding ticket and one horrible fight! Good luck to you!