Saturday, June 21, 2008

stripping down

Last month I noticed that I had lost myself on this blog again. I've been posting mainly about the girls and not much in between which has led to fewer and fewer posts each month. So I decided to turn to a reliable source for forcing me to look inward and turn the camera on myself, SPC. Toward the end of May I checked everyday for the new challenge because I was determined to participate this month. I declared it. And then the challenge was announced.....nude. NUDE! I immediately dismissed the idea of participating and resolved to waiting until July. Maybe in July the challenge would be 'hats' or 'outside' or ANYTHING but nude.

Then I started to be disappointed in myself for avoiding nude. Why not nude? In real life I'm pretty close to being a never-nude. I'm just more comfortable with my clothes on. Growing up my dad was pretty strict on showing skin. Much was made of the first tankini swimsuit I college. Up until then I was only allowed to wear one-piece swimsuits, and there was even a one-piece that caused quite a bit of controversy in my house. Not that my dad was wrong to raise me that way, but I think it made me ovesexualize the human body and become a bit uncomfortable with my own.

As an artist Alex has taken many nude figure drawing classes. His sketch books are filled with sketches of nude women. And for years I couldn't wrap my head around how it wasn't sexual at all. But then after having a child, my perception of my body, the human body changed. I felt comfortable with sexuality. And I felt comfortable with my body. It is a body. Bodies are beautiful.

So...I decided to take a photograph for the June challenge. It's a true nude, not like a picture of my naked foot or hand., but body parts that without clothing would generally be considered nude. And I really like the photograph. Getting out my camera was the first step, but now I'm really questioning whether I should post and submit it. That's a whole different leap. And I'm not even sure I can justify a reason for posting it. I'm not an exhibitionist, so posting it will surely embarrass me...and probably several people who visit this blog. But then part of me just wants to put it out there. It seems like it would almost be empowering to have a nude photograph on the inernet. I mean...once you have blogged naked, there is nothing left to hide.

Anyway...I'm still debating this one. If I don't chicken out, I'll post my photograph Tuesday. So if you know me in real life and think seeing a nude photograph of me might be awkward, then consider this your warning. You might not want to stop by blythe and bonnie next week. (For the record...if I post it here, then I obviously don't mind anyone and everyone seeing it. So don't feel like you have to stay away.)

Anyone want to show support by posting your own nude? Come on...let's all get naked.


RachelAdelle said...

you are hilarious. and i love you.

lisa said...

I pretty much had the same thought process and reservations with this month's challenge. I finally did it, but only posted a "safe" shot and hid it away on my flickr site, rather than post it on my blog. I felt brave for doing it, but only 1/3 brave, you know what I mean? the thing about it is that it's not just your perception of nude when you are posting publically, everyone who views your lovely and capable body has their own thoughts and ideas about it (judgement, sexual, artistic, etc)....that's the truly scary part!

Dawn said...

You are braver than I, friend. I'm comfortable with being nude with myself and within the safe confines of my home, but absolutely not in public. I'm not brave enough to face the world naked, especially not on the internet.

Can't wait to see your decision. Either way, at least you took the plunge and took the photo.

Shell said...

I say go for it. If you are wavering that pretty much means you want to. So what is stopping you. It's not like you are posting in a maid costume (or maybe you are). It's art not porn. Be you! Be Brave!

Nilsa S. said...

Wow - talk about a challenge, Christy! I'm so very impressed you have already taken the photograph. And I plan on visiting tomorrow to see if you chose to post it. Because you'd earn the biggest of balls in my world if you did it.