Sunday, June 15, 2008


I'm still a bit dizzy from my whirlwind trip. I basically spent 24 hours with my sister and brother-in-law in Norfolk. Twenty-four hours with Dawn in New Jersey. And 24 hours in the car. Now I'm home and trying to chill out.

I arrived home to discover our mac won't start, so I'm on the old PC and the monitor is shot. I can see enough to type, but everything else is a blur. I really have no idea what the above picture looks like, but I took it just a few blocks from my sister's home in Norfolk. Hopefully one of these computers will be repaired in the next few days and I'll post more on my trip.

As usual, Dawn is on top of things; she has already posted a bit about my visit to New Jersey.

1 comment:

Nilsa S. said...

The picture is lovely - and hopefully so was your visit with family and dear friend!