Kitchen utensils are my girls' favorite toys. Thank goodness someone uses them. Recently the girls discovered a spaghetti measuring stick in the back of the utensil drawer. It was given to me as a wedding gift and hasn't been touched since. Canon asked what it was and I began to explain it to her. "You use it to measure spaghetti. See....here's how many noodles you make for a child your size. Here's how many noodles you make for a child between the ages five and ten. And here's how much you make for a woman or a child between the ages of ten and twelve." What?!?
Am I being overly sensitive here or is that just ridiculous? This sexist kitchen product expects me to eat the same amount of spaghetti as a ten-year-old and less than a teenager....or a man for that matter. Either this is completely absurd or I'm a big fatty and need to cut back on my portions. What do you think?
More of the absurd here.
I like how it has a measure for two adults. I guess it really means two men. Because according to the previous measurements, that would be too much for us little old women. Or maybe women don't qualify as adults...
Completely absurd. I don't know even know what to think about being compared to a 10 year old. Ri-dic-u-lous!
By the way, what happened to your graffiti header? It was only up a day or two and now it's gone. I liked it.
I think your wedding guest went shopping at a 1950's garage sale is what I think. Even if it is true ... it's offensive, at best!
That IS insulting! I'll eat as much spaghetti as I dang well please, thank you very much!
Well, let's see! Ryan my five year old, that is a 2 man size, and for me, well I know I am a big fatty, better go 4 men for me.
That's pretty funny. From what I've heard, teenage boys eat more than men, though. I have some friends from church who have 4 teenage sons...their mom goes grocery shopping every single day and buys only enough for the day. If she bought enough for the entire week, they'd still eat it all in one day.
Well, either I eat too much spaghetti, or my husband eats to little, because we have the same portion sizes *thank you very much, little gadget* :)
And I am sitting here laughing at Jen B's comment - I think I'm thankful I have girls!
and what about pregnant or breast feeding ladies? maybe there would be something to see with the sauce and cheese too :-P
this is truly absurd! I think you're the first one this month to really nail the essence of the word. good job!
that is ridiculous. I eat way more than most of the men I know. especially spaghetti.
I didn't even know a spaghetti measure existed. Who uses that kind of thing?
Wow...definitely a throwback to the 50s. I hope. Sheesh, as a teenage girl, I could eat my older brother under the table. And my oldest son, at the age of 18 months and during a growth spurt, could easily eat as much spaghetti as his daddy!
Men have finally found their voice thanks to one brave little spaghetti measuring utensil. Big thanks to the Malcolm X of kitchenware.
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