Since I mentioned the addition Canon made to her vocabulary, I need to share that Elly also has some new words. So far she says: mama, dada, dog, and uh-oh. And she loves to say "uh-oh." All day long. I could be in a separate part of the house, drop something and hear a faint and faraway, "uh-oh". Last week she started saying, "thank you." It's so weird because I wasn't trying to teach her the phrase. All the sudden, she just said it. Kids are pretty cool that way.
It's great fun watching Elly and Canon grow up as individuals, yet both in the most of remarkable of ways. Keep sharing the stories!
I am sure she picked up the thank you from you and the other from her "time on the street". Afton Villiage can be a tough area for a 1 year old and the gang she is running with. ha I am glad you back blogging. I have missed you!
Uh-oh, you're in for non-stop talking soon! A house full of girls with a lot to talk about. Can't wait to see you next week and join in all the jabbering!
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