Even today, a friend asked me to remind her why I left Chicago. Ah yes....there was the unplanned child and possible divorce. Just to be clear, when I left Chicago it was a final decision. There was no going back. So...when we started to reconcile, I just couldn't pack my stuff and our baby and drive back. It had to be him. He came to us, and we were with my family....in my hometown. And here we are.
Since I've complained so much about living here and talked so much about moving, I feel the need to give an update. There has been a change in plans. It seems Charlotte is hoping to bump up film productions. Some inside information was passed along to Alex; something about money...a huge deal....more movies filmed in the area. I won't go into all the details, but staying could actually be a decent career move for him. We'll have to wait and see. Which means we will be here for a while.
I'm still processing how I feel about this. I love being near my family and only a couple hours from his family. I love my little house. I like the idea of staying someplace for a while and letting my roots spread. I'm starting to make new friends. My girls are starting to make friends. It isn't Chicago, but it's home for now.
Granted we have only seen other a couple of times in the past years. But I am glad you are here. For me, to have lost friends found and to be so close by, its make this place feel more like home. I have only left the area for one semester, but this place isn't as bad as it use to be. Spread your roots here.
Though I miss you dearly and the South Loop isn't nearly as cool without you, you made the right decision. The two of you were all alone up here. When your sister's move away was imminent and your marriage was questionable, you needed to be somewhere you had support. Real support, not just a friend down the street. Clearly, heading south was the only option. And the right one. We all make decisions in our lives and live with the consequences. The results of your difficult decision are family. And that's irreplaceable. Love you.
Our dream was to live at the beach. It happened sooner than expected and living here has been great. But, we miss Concord. It's strange, I never thought I would want to live there for a long period of time. But that is where our roots are. And our family. And our close friends. Those things mean more to us than living at the beach. Whow knows, you might have another friend moving back to Concord in the next year!
A buddy of mine that I used to work with at the Perch does movie work in and around the area. Perhaps you guys should come out to his new sketch comedy endeavor, Robot Johnson (search it on MySpace). I'm happy to introduce Alex to Sean. Not sure what kind of work he does with the movies, but Sean's a set guy. He knows a TON of people though and it may be a good networking step. Just a thought.
So glad to hear that you are enjoying where you are for the time. Sometimes it is a choice that has to be made and it sounds like you are making it. There are certainly some great things about being where you are!
It's amazing how life seems to alter dreams in wonderous, mind-blowing ways. I never thought I'd hear those words coming from your mouth (or keyboard in this case), but there they are. Home in Concord. Feels pretty good, right?
I'm certainly glad you are there, only a short drive from me in VA. Don't know what I'd do if you lived far away. For that matter, don't know what I'm going to do if I have to live far away. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Until then, I'm glad you've found peace in your current home.
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