It's an emotion I can't quite make sense of. After Elly's party, I cried. Not a few reminiscent tears, but free-flowing, uncontrollable. The kind that cause your body to shut down, enter sleep. I know it's a part of life; children grow up. But I guess my emotions are just in shock. How has it all gone by so quickly? Even now, I am trying to put into words what I'm feeling, but there are just more tears. My girl is growing up.
What a sweetie!
I am so bummed that we couldn't be there to celebrate with you guys.
Watching our children grow is a strange thing. Sometimes I think, in a few years or months, Natalie won't want me to hold her anymore and I just want to cry...I won't be able to cuddle her and kiss her, she will think that I am weird.
We want them to grow and mature but we also long for our baby.
I hate we missed the celebration for Elly's first year (Maddy had the croup, so I wouldn't dare expose you guys anyway). I find myself crying over nothing lately. Maddy spoke to an elderly gentleman at Panera last week and I started tearing up. I caught her patting an upset little girl on the back at preschool and started crying. I have been blaming it on the hormones, but everything they do effects you, and I have heard that it never ceases, even when they are our age. I am starting to consign all the girl clothes since we are having a boy, but I find myself having a hard time letting go of them...are we sure we want to stop at 2??? I know you can relate. I miss you and hope we can schedule a play date soon or a mommy's night out, whichever.
Glad I got to share in the celebration with you and your family. I know this birthday feels especially emotional since Elly is your last baby. Just cherish each moment with her and don't be afraid to let those tears flow. It's a healthy response to the emotional rollercoaster that we're on as parents.
Love you.
lauren and i loved the pictures and we are bummed we missed out!
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