This is just how I thought it would be. I imagined walking out the front door and being met by chatting neighbors and playing children. My children and I casually joining in. Everyone breaking for lunch and naps. My girls hovering by the window anxiously waiting for me to get dinner in the oven so we could rejoin the group. Cheeks flushed from play. Sweaters. Alex coming in from work and joining us, beer in hand. My day. Absolute perfection.
Sounds wonderful!
Sounds supreme! I was wondering whether it'd be in the 60s or 80s when I come visit. Thanks for providing a peak of what's to come!
Nilsa- It was 95 degrees just two days ago, so who knows. Next week it's supposed to be in the 80's. Hopefully by the time you get here, mother nature will have firmly planted her feet into fall. Because there's nothing like Chapel Hill in autumn.
Awwwwwww. That is wonderful.
That sounds like a dream. It is so Beaver Cleaver. I am deperate for those Beaver Cleaver days that I so love.
sounds fabulous. I love this picture!
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