My mother-in-law had picked out a cute one-piece outfit for Elly to wear (as shown in the picture above). It was so cute that I wondered why I haven't dressed her in that outfit recently. I looked at the tag. Just as I thought..."0-3 months."
In about a week, Elly will be 11-months-old. For some reason seeing her in that tiny little outfit today opened the door for guilt to walk right in and made itself at home. She shouldn't be so small. So now I'm cramming as much food as I can down her poor, little throat. Hopefully soon I'll see the fruit of this labor and guilt in the form of a little fat roll.
When Canon was 12-months-old I felt guilty because a nurse told me Canon was "chunky." Now I feel guilty because Elly is too small. When does this end?!
Elly is fine!
Love, Mom
Wow...this post must have really struck a cord because my mom finally posted a comment. Yay, Mom!
I have to agree with your mom STOP IT!!!
It will never end, so let it roll off your back.
It never ends. It's constant worrying about your children until the end of your days. But don't worry too much, Elly is perfect. I can still fit Bella in some 12 month old clothes and she's well over 2. No need to worry - they are perfectly healthy little girls.
Love you.
I hate all that growth chart crap!!! I don't think anybody's kid is "normal" on that stupid thing!
Don't feel bad... Joel wears size 18-24 months in pants... and he's almost 3!!! On the other hand, Samuel is a horse.
Sorry... Joel wears 12-18 months... sorry for the typo.
ditto all their comments, Maddy is still in 12 month shorts and she just turned 2, problem is pants...can you say high waters??? or they fall off her, thank God for Old Navy "skinny fit"....boy I never thought a child of mine would need skinny anything, I am so thankful though.
You're mom's right. All this worry about normalness... it's unnecessary. Some people are just smaller than others.
No worries man, your girls are happy and healthy.
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