It truly is hard to believe that you came into the world three years ago today. Three years since your daddy and I eagerly hopped into the cab and headed to the hospital. Three years since I saw you for the first time, held you for the first time, heard you cry for the first time, kissed you for the first time. The years have flown by and yet I barely remember what my life was like before you.
When I was pregnant with you, your daddy and I would often talk about our hopes and dreams for you. For me, it was simple; I hoped you would be happy and independent. Happy and independent is definitely what you are. You aren't afraid of anyone or anything. You bubble over with self-confidence and curiosity.
I remember the first time you ever slept through the night. You were about one month old. I woke up the next morning a bit disoriented. I had a feeling of excitement, the kind of feeling I get on Christmas morning. And I realized I was excited to see you. I couldn't wait for you to wake up so that we could spend our day together. I still get that feeling. I love spending my days with you. I love the conversations we have; you say the most interesting and hilarious things. I love playing with you. I love watching you grow.
You have helped me become a better person. I feel so fortunate that I have the opportunity to love you, care for you and guide you through your childhood. I am so lucky to be your mother.
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
Dear Canon,
I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday & to let you know that you are a very lucky little girl. You have a mommy that loves you with all her heart and that would do anything for you. Your mommy could never hide the love she feels for you because it radiates from her every pore. You are one special little girl. Happy Birthday!
Miss Dawn
P.S. Bella said Happy Birthday!
Happy 3rd Birthday Canon!
Canon you have the best mommy ever. Happy Birthday!
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