It took just under two days with me and the girls for my
brother-in-law to decide he is not ready to have kids. I understand it's not personal; it's not because of my children specifically. He cites selfishness as the reason, which I also completely understand. But now I'm worried that I give a bad impression of parenting. Maybe I complain too much. Even in this blog, many of the entries on parenting focus on the negative...the frustrating...the overwhelming...the difficult...the sacrificial....aspects of being a parent. I guess I've just assumed most of the perks are obvious.
I applaud my sister and her husband for thinking things through and planning their family. In their planning I hope they realize it is totally different when you are caring for your own children. It's not any easier, but it feels different.
Being a parent is a huge challenge, but it is also the greatest of gifts. I know my sister and my brother-in-law will be wonderful parents.
It definitely is totally different when it's your own child(ren). Andy wasn't sure he was completely ready to be a dad after hanging out with all my friends different aged kids, but now that he has his own child, it's a different story. He is totally in love with Bella & can't imagine life without her. While it definitely isn't easy to be a parent, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
P.S. Your blog is your space to say and show whatever you feel like that day. Don't worry about entries being too negative (or too positive for that matter). Just continue being true to yourself. I love it when I learn something new about you that I haven't learned before just from reading a new entry. Keep up the good work.
I echo Dawn's P.S. This YOUR space. There's no judgment here... only what's real.
I don't find your entries negative. I think you portray the poignant realities of parenting -- the great trick about it, though, is that no matter what incident or emotion you are focusing on, your words, tone, and photos capture beautifully the depth of your joy as a mother and your love for your children.
So, amen to everything that Jenny and Dawn said and to say again I love reading your blog. You have a great way of saying what a lot of moms are thinking. Parenting is HARD but wonderful and sometimes it is harad to tell where hard ends and wonderful begins...
All I have to say is Uncle Paul's hair looks pretty!!!
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