Since Elly is on the small side for her age, I thought I should probably go ahead and start her on solid food. I decided to try a dinner snack between her last two feedings. My hope was that she would totally reject the rice cereal mush and I'd be forced to wait a few more weeks before attempting the solid food hurdle again. To my selfish dismay, she loved it. She found the new sensation to be completely hilarious. I think more of the mush would have gone down if she hadn't been laughing so much. Ugh. She is so content to grow up.
I can't believe that Elly is already trying solids! It's definitely time to play your "freeze" game now! Cherish this time with your girls!
STILL SHOOTING IN FILM??? Oh dear. What does Alex think of that? If my 60-year old, electronically novice mother has upgraded to the digital world, then you certainly can, too! No pun intended, but I highly recommend the Canon PowerShot for quick, easy and high-quality pictures! :)
Have you heard of Bumkins? I use their "super bibs," and they are the best I have found. Waterproof, very easy to wash, and they're not all stiff like other waterproof bibs. Very durable and stain resistant... I'll be able to reuse all of Joel's for Samuel. The prints they come in are very cute too. www.bumkins.com if you are interested. I love them.
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