Knowing divorce was the only option for my parents doesn't make it feel good. This is something my dad doesn't understand. He wants me to be happy for him and his new relationship. Just this weekend he told me about his plans for a double date. A double date with the couple that used to be my parents' dearest friends. It feels wrong that my mother's friend of more than thirty years should be drinking, eating, laughing, talking to the new woman.
My family is broken. Every little incident stirs an emotion; juvenile emotions I so wish to leave behind.
I love you, Christy. Don't ever feel selfish for feeling the way you do about your parents divorce. Every feeling is justified & natural. Wish I could give you a hug right now.
I remember well what you're going through. Even in high school, the feelings seemed juvenile. There's never a good time to feel like you're losing your foundation. The plus side of it happening now is that you're building your own family, your own new foundation -- I think that will give you a strength to recover that you wouldn't have had back then. Eventually, it feels so good to see your parents happy, no matter how it happened. Give yourself time.....you will get there.
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